Some drug arrests are the result of a defendant's direct encounter with the police. Someone talks to an officer on the sidewalk and then gets caught with prescription drugs or banned substances in their pockets. These people will likely face accusations of tangible...
Drug Charges
Man found with the drug Khat during traffic stop
When law enforcement in Upstate New York sees a vehicle that has committed traffic violations, a traffic stop will be made. As they investigate, it is not uncommon that the officers will see a driver or others in the vehicle who are behaving suspiciously or there is a...
Couple charged with felony drug sales with cocaine and heroin
With the way drugs are viewed as so problematic in New York State and across the nation, law enforcement is intensely seeking those who might be taking part in selling it to try and put a stop to it. This will lead to an arrest and hefty charges with serious...
What is the law for presumption of drug possession in New York?
When there is a law enforcement search of a vehicle or a room in New York and drugs are found, those who are in the vehicle or are near the room will likely claim that the drugs do not belong to them. It is a common question as to how law enforcement and...
Man faces drug offenses and child endangerment after arrest
Law enforcement in Upstate New York treats drug offenses seriously. Given the ongoing problems with drugs in the state and across the nation, this should come as no surprise. People who are in possession of drugs can face charges depending on how much they...
Passenger, 26, faces multiple drug offenses after traffic stop
People stopped for a traffic violation and suddenly find themselves facing allegations of drug offenses might think they have little chance to lodge a successful defense. But, the reality is that there are many defense strategies. Having a lawyer who is skilled...
Man faces serious consequences for drugs and DWI
New York State law enforcement is vigilant about criminal activity throughout the year, but they are more focused on it during holidays. When there is a traffic stop, drivers could be confronted with charges for driving while intoxicated. During the search of a...
Men arrested for drug crimes after smuggling drugs into jail
Drug offenses can be alleged in unique situations in Upstate New York. While there might be a belief that most drug charges result from a traffic stop, an ongoing investigation or by law enforcement witnessing a drug transaction, there are many other ways a...
Massachusetts woman faces drug charges due to possessing heroin
Being arrested on drug charges in New York State can be a harrowing experience for anyone, but when these allegations come for someone who does not live in the state, it can be even more troublesome. The concerns about what will happen will be compounded in...
Woman arrested on felony drug charges after investigation
New York State law enforcement is vigilant about seeking out people who are committing drug crimes. They do so in a variety of ways including during traffic stops and with other investigating techniques. People who are arrested on drug charges could have a significant...