Wallkill Traffic Violation Lawyer
Orange County High Speed Ticket Lawyer
Located centrally in Orange County, the town of Wallkill is crossed by several major roads. Interstate 84 and New York State Route 17 intersect in the southern portion of Wallkill. Additionally, major thoroughfares such as U.S. Route 6 cross the town at various points. With so much traffic coming through Wallkill, it is easy for a driver to receive a traffic ticket.
My name is James M. Wagman, and I have over 35 years of experience representing clients in a wide range of traffic violations. As a Wallkill traffic violation attorney, I strive to work with the prosecutor and judge in an attempt to get your charges reduced or dismissed altogether. I understand that prior violations can increase the severity of consequences suffered in each successive ticket. It is my goal to minimize your consequences and protect your driving privileges.
I have over 35 years of experience providing traffic violation defense to drivers from New York state and Canada. As attorney for the town of Catskill and through all my many years of experience, I understand what it takes to be successful in a local court. For a free consultation, please call my office at 866-901-8742, or contact me online today.