Attorney Representing
Upstate New York Drivers

Defending You Against Reckless Driving Charges

A reckless driving charge is not just a traffic violation in New York; it is also a criminal matter. A conviction could mean a criminal record or even time in jail. Making matters worse, New York law gives police officers broad sway in applying the law.

With so much at stake, take your defense seriously and reach out to an experienced attorney. I am attorney James M. Wagman. I represent drivers dealing with all types of traffic violations and serious criminal charges in courts throughout the region. With more than 35 years of experience, you will have one of New York State’s most experienced lawyers in this part of the law.

Schedule a free consultation today. Contact my office online or call 866-901-8742.

What Does This Type Of Charge Mean?

According to New York law, reckless driving means using your car in a way that “unreasonably interferes” or “unreasonably endangers” another drivers’ ability to use the road. This could mean infractions like:

  • Driving the wrong way
  • Driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs
  • Swerving across multiple lanes
  • Driving aggressively

In addition to criminal penalties, a reckless driving conviction will mean five points on your license. If you receive any other type of violation during that stop, you will go past the six points needed to be handed a driver responsibility assessment fine.

How Can You Fight These Charges?

While the law may seem vague, I can use the statute to find weaknesses in the prosecution’s argument. For example, were you truly endangering other motorists or were driving responsibly for the circumstances? In many cases, I have been able to help drivers get their charges dismissed or reduced to a simple traffic violation, such as improper lane usage.

By working with an attorney like me, you will be able to ensure that every possible avenue to reach a positive resolution of your case will be explored.

Get The Experienced Representation You Need. Contact Me Today.

When you are facing the serious consequences associated with a reckless driving conviction, you cannot afford to leave your case in the hands of a less experienced attorney. To learn how I can put my criminal defense skills to use for you, contact James M. Wagman, Attorney at Law, online or call 866-901-8742 or 518-291-4803 to schedule a free consultation.