Attorney Representing
Upstate New York Drivers

Is license suspension or revocation really that bad?

On Behalf of | Oct 3, 2019 | Uncategorized |

You and many other New York residents rely on your driver’s license. You may need to drive to work or carry out a number of other daily activities that put you behind the wheel. As a result, when a police officer pulled you over, you may have begun to worry about your driving abilities.

If the officer suspected that you had been drinking and driving, concern over your driver’s license is understandable. Under state law, your license could face suspension or even revocation for a variety of reasons, including DWI. Of course, when facing this possibility, you may want to know the difference between having a suspended license and a revoked license.

Which is more serious?

While neither a suspended license nor a revoked license is favorable, facing license suspension is less severe than revocation. Typically, a suspension means that you do not have driving privileges for a temporary period of time. If you receive a definite suspension, you will have a set date, after which you can re-obtain your license. After that time period comes to an end, you can take the steps to have your license reinstated. With indefinite suspension, you first have to take some sort of action before the reinstating of your license.

If authorities revoke your license, they have permanently canceled it. As a result, you cannot simply wait a period of time and have it reinstated. If you hope to receive a new license, you would have to request approval from the DMV to obtain one. If approved, you would then have to go through the necessary licensing steps, which usually includes a written test and road test.

Is it a big deal?

You may think that, because a suspension is temporary and because there is a possibility that you could obtain a new license after revocation, facing this outcome is not a big deal. However, either can impact your life in significant ways. For instance, six months or a year without a license could put your job in jeopardy, especially if you drive for a living, and you could face numerous inconveniences by having to get public transportation or request rides from friends. 

Often, people do not realize the importance of their licenses until they lose them. As a result, you may want to do your best to avoid having this outcome as a result of a DWI charge. In efforts to work toward the best possible outcomes, you may want to gain information on your defense options.
