Attorney Representing
Upstate New York Drivers

3 traffic violations that can lead to a New York stop

On Behalf of | Sep 2, 2024 | Uncategorized |

There are certain types of traffic violations that people understand may lead to a traffic stop. Someone driving out well over the posted speed limit knows they are at risk if they cross paths with a police officer. Those engaged in reckless driving behavior, such as racing on public roads, also typically know that they are at risk of citation or possibly even arrest.

However, some drivers commit relatively minor traffic violations that they don’t think are serious enough to warrant a traffic stop and a ticket. New York treats a variety of different violations as primary offenses. That means that a police officer has reason to pull someone over if they spot one of the behaviors – in addition to a host of others – outlined below.

Handling a mobile phone

In New York, it is against the law to manually handle a mobile phone while driving. Whether a driver sends a text message, checks their email or adjusts their destination in a navigation app, they may be at risk of a traffic stop and a ticket. The cost of the citation increases if they have a history of committing the same type of violation.

Failing to use a turn signal

Turning without using indicators is one of the most common traffic violations. Some motorists violate turn signal rules multiple times every time they drive. While most motorists view the failure to use a turn signal as a minor infraction, police officers may not agree with that assessment. They can pull someone over for merging or turning into a parking lot without first indicating their intent to do so.

Performing a rolling stop

When people are in a rush or when traffic levels are relatively low, they may not want to come to a complete stop at an intersection. Whether there is a traffic light or a stop sign present, a driver has an obligation to come to a complete stop. Even when there are no other vehicles nearby, failing to stop is a primary offense that may warrant a citation and an inconvenient traffic stop.

In some cases, traffic stops that begin because of minor issues turn into something more serious, like drunk driving or reckless driving allegations. After a citation, a driver does have the option of fighting their traffic ticket. Pushing back against a citation can help someone to potentially avoid license points, a fine and increased car insurance costs after a frustrating encounter with law enforcement.
